Lose Fat Fast, Build Muscle That Lasts Forever, and Develop Superhuman Levels of Confidence To Become The Hero Of Your Own Life. 
Craft a body that will finally allow you take back control of your life, dominate your career, and enjoy a few cocktails along the way.  
You’re a true type A. You’re an action taker. You let nothing stand in the way.

And, you like your whiskey sour with real lemon juice, not sour mix.

Your work is your passion and your family is your life.

In fact, you’re such a good person and your own work and family are so important to you that you’ve put your own needs on the backburner.

You used to be in shape. 

But, over time, your workouts dwindled and your eating habits went to shit. Competing demands and a busy schedule filled your plate. 

Day by day, the pounds started to creep on. What was once a strong and athletic body is now soft and weak. 

You wonder how it happened. 

Your energy is low, and your stress level is off the charts. 

You don’t like the way you look or feel anymore. Anxiety is mounting.

You feel yourself slowly losing control. 

So, you tried to do something about it. 

After mindlessly scrolling Facebook at the end of a long and stressful day, you picked a random training and nutrition program to follow. It was one in a sea of bullshit littered with 30-day fixes, detoxes, and promises to get you “ripped,” “jacked,” or “lean.” 

You know, deep down, that quick fixes are rarely the answer, but you figure: “What the hell, I’ll give it a shot.”
After a week of great workouts and nutrition, the reality of life hits hard. 

Competing demands force you to miss several days at the gym, and pressures at work throw your diet completely off the rails. 

Then, one of your kids gets sick. The rest of the week’s workouts are destroyed with one swift strike of the plague.

On top of that, you’re on the road traveling for work for the next week. Who the hell has time to hit the gym when they’re away on business?

After constantly trying to balance your fitness with your family, work, and social lives, you pick your head up and realize that you haven’t had a good workout in weeks. 

Or months.

And you’ve fallen back into your old shitty nutrition habits.  
Ultimately, you find yourself on the couch again, scrolling your feed for the next quick fix; the thought simmering in the back of your mind that things will never change. 
Does this vicious cycle sound eerily familiar?

It does to me, because I’ve been there.
I’m Dave Vargo, and I know what it feels like to be trapped by the thought that things will never change. 

I know what it feels like to let my fitness hit a downward spiral so bad that I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror: A weak and frail body on the outside and an unhappy person on the inside. 

But, I was able to pull myself out of this training funk.

And, over the past seven years, I’ve helped hundreds of clients do the same: melting away stubborn body fat, building an athletic physique, and developing the confidence needed to dominate their professional life. 
Best of all, I’ve helped them build the habits necessary for lasting change

And, not only is a solid foundation of habits important for getting results, but keeping them as well.

Because let’s be honest: Do results really mean much if they don’t stick?

You don’t need restrictive crash diets. Enjoy your bourbon and pizza.

You don’t need long complicated workouts. Nor do you need to be lying in a pool of blood and sweat for it to count.

That is exactly what Erin learned. She lost 60 pounds and writes that “changed her life.” 
“I’ve never felt better about myself. I couldn’t wait for my training sessions with Dave because I knew he cared about me about my progress.”

“After years of caring for my sick parents and allowing myself to become very overweight, I finally made the decision to take care of myself.”

“Dave first listened to my story of hardship with compassion then challenged me to meet my own personal fitness and nutrition goals. His passion for fitness was evident in everything he did and it was contagious. He was knowledgeable and always professional.” 
Just like I did for Erin, I’ll help you recompose your body and life with this 4-part strategy based on:
#1 - Getting Nutrition Right, Once And For All
Your nutrition will be tailored to your preferences and lifestyle so that you’ll never have to crash diet or give up bourbon and pizza ever again. You’ll learn the skills needed to develop sustainable eating habits, such as: 
🎯 Meal tracking so that you have a solid idea of what and how much you should be eating to reach your goal.
🎯 Food substitution strategies so that you can take key foods you’re already eating and make them better.
🎯 Body awareness cues so that you can regulate your portion control and appetite even while you’re eating out, on vacation, or away on business.
#2 - Training The Right Way By Doing The Right Things At The Right Time
You’ll run through an initial assessment so that your program can be hand-crafted with your unique goals, wants, and needs in mind.

Your individualized training program will then be delivered via a custom app so that you always have a plan ready to pull up on your phone when you walk into the gym. 

Your training app also features:
💥 Exercise video demonstrations so that you can train safely and effectively.
💥 Workout logging so that you never have to guess what weight to use or if you’re making progress. It’s all laid out for you.
💥 Exercise analysis as needed through Coach’s Eye so I can give you video feedback on your form, just as if I was right there beside you.
#3 - Developing The Habits That Set You Up For Lifelong Success
You’ll learn how to create sustainable habits for lasting change so that you lose weight, keep it off forever, and build a powerful physique that stands the test of time. 

You’ll learn how to adjust your workouts and diet when things get crazy. Whatever life throws your way, you’ll have the strategies to side-step them to ensure your progress never stalls. 

You’ll develop the mental skills needed to overcome barriers and self-limiting beliefs that sabotage your progress and consistency.
#4 - Accountability: The Secret Sauce That Brings It All Together
You’ll have me here to keep you on track the entire way. I’ll provide guidance, help foster consistency with your workouts and nutrition, and push you to take extreme ownership.

You’ll have weekly check-ins and unlimited email access to me as well as the ability to text through the custom app when you have questions or need a workout in a pinch if you’re on the road. 

We’ll jump on a 30 minute coaching call each month to dive deep into anything you may be struggling with, from exercise technique to nutrition strategies.

You don’t have to worry about doing this alone anymore. 

I’ve got your back. 
Imagine This:
⚡ Building a body that radiates the assertiveness you need to level up your career by closing more sales, negotiating a raise, or starting your own business.

⚡ Having the energy you need to keep up with your kids and busy lifestyle.

⚡ Building the confidence you need to finally take control over your life. 
Just like Samir:
“I have dropped over 40 lbs within a year. When I first started going to the gym, I dreaded it. Now I look forward to it, and LOVE it.”

“Around the age of 33, I had started to veer off course and ballooned approximately 50-60 lbs. I was in the worst shape that I had ever been in my life and fell into a state of depression.“
“It was hard for me to exercise on my own, but Dave personalized every part of my routine and guided me to a proper diet.”

“I have not only become physically stronger than I have ever been, but I am more confident, motivated, and happier in all regards.”
Samir also appreciates the craft of a well made Old Fashioned. 

Be more like Samir.

So, if you’re finally ready to take control of your life by losing fat, building muscle, and supercharging your confidence, let’s chat further.

We’ll hop on a FREE 40-minute phone call and dive into exactly what’s been holding you back and how to finally break through. 

Let’s crush this.
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